
Over the last decade, the Canadian forest industry has evolved towards a new industrial model that acknowledges the interconnectivity of environment, economy and society. The emerging model rests on two pillars, "Embracing Sustainability" and "New Partnerships with People and Communities" that support a pro-active, scientifically driven approach to sustainable management and a flexible, collaborative attitude to stakeholder relations. It is based on increasingly sophisticated strategies that recognize the global and local influences on resource management, community requirements and consumer behaviour. Gradual, voluntary adoption of this model is improving environmental stewardship, strengthening industry's commitment to the social needs of partner communities, protecting economic investment and future profitability, and improving stakeholder relations in resource management. The factors influencing this evolving industrial model are both global and uniquely Canadian. By voluntarily investing in co-operative research and policy development, by advocating and adopting international standards and certification, and by adopting a corporate social responsibility framework, the Canadian forest products industry is pushing itself and other stakeholders to build a future based on environmental, social and economic sustainability. Key words: Canadian forest industry, Forest Products Association of Canada, industrial model, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, communities, accountability, partnerships, environment, forestry, forest science, forest research.

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