
Traditional computers are not usually effective assistants in their own measurement. It is cost-prohibitive to dedicate much of the hardware to measurement. And, when any is dedicated, it is usually too rigidly attached to the hardware itself to follow the rapidly changing software structures. Software measurement tools, on the other hand, often exhibit overhead penalties and usually remain tools for a few elite “system” programmers. The majority - programming in “non system” languages like COBOL, FORTRAN, and RPG - look to these “experts” for analysis of their own programs' performance. The B1800 utilizes a hybrid measurement approach which retains many of the advantages of traditional hardware and software monitoring while avoiding the rigidity of hardware-only measurements and the overhead of software-only measurements. This hybrid system is easily implemented in ordinary high level languages like COBOL, RPG, and FORTRAN and easily used by non-system programmers.

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