
In the course of modernization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the transition to the new image of the officer, military education of the Russian Federation today faces a complex and important task of the scientific study of processes of formation and training of officers, capable of solving problems of the security of the state, and reform of the system of military education that meets the priority tasks of the Russian Armed Forces. These facts lead to the need to turn to the history of the formation of the system of military education and the necessity to examine military education in Russia in second half XVIII century with the aim of summarizing, organizing, recording and use of past experience in contemporary Russia. In the process of training at the artillery and engineering gentry cadet corps pupils were taught to love Russian history, Russian army, the Navy, and developed high moral standards. Cadets were notable for their extensive professional knowledge, broad outlook, patriotism, honor, duty, and comradeship. Until the end of the eighteenth century, the training of future officers in the cadet corps took place on the basis of the revitalization of moral education, free and comprehensive development of personality of a future officer of the Russian army. The author makes use of some archival sources that have not yet been examined.

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