
The article describes the role of directors, teachers and officers-educators in the training of future military personnel in the cadet corps located on Ukrainian lands in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. During the history of activity in the Ukrainian lands, cadet corps made a significant contribution to the training of officer personnel. Almost all representatives of the middle and high command of the Russian imperial army received secondary education precisely in these educational institutions. It is substantiated that in the middle in the XIX th – at the beginning of the XX th century cadet education was considered as the only integral state pedagogical system of military personnel training. Its purpose was to to prepare an educated, able-bodied, faithful military oath of an officer who could continue to serve military-scientific self-education. It has been proved that first of all, personal qualities, pedagogical experience and a personal example of directors of cadet corps had a significant impact on the formation of a true military man. The article has presented portraits of the best of them – V. Simashko, V. Svyatlovsky, P. Yushchenov, L. Kublitsky-Piotuh, A. Saranchov, who headed the corps from year to year. It was found that the Military Department and the Head Department of Military Educational Institutions paid much attention to the instructional staff of the corps (teachers and officers-educators); the preference was given to highly skilled ones, having experience in pedagogical work. It was determined that solely persons from the military unit who were characterized as responsible, patriotic, moral, disciplined, competent specialists were appointed to the post of officers-educators. It was identified that teachers of civilian high schools, professors of higher educational establishments, including well-known Ukrainian civil activists and scientists I. Pavlovsky, F. Simashko, P. Yushchenko, P. Zhytetskyi, M. Vasilenko and others had been teaching at military educational institutions, which became the founders of public education during the Ukrainian years the revolution. The article concludes that, despite a number of shortcomings, cadet education contributed to the training of future officers in the spirit of fellowship and loyalty to military duties. Key words : training, directors, teaching staff, military man, cadet corps, Ukraine.

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