
Mining activities has become increasingly widespread in recent years, especially people’s mining, thatjust concerned about the result and not paying attention to the environmental factors.This is causedthe post mining area’s destruction and environmental degradation potential. For this reason, the slopesafety factor enhancement analysis on the post mining area in Semaya Village, Randudongkal Sub-District, Pemalang Regency is needed. Slope stability analysis using Slide 6.0 software to identify thecondition of post mining area from the results of undisturbed sample (UDS) laboratory data.Laboratory testing includes several aspects including water content, weight, specific gravity, grain size,atteberg limit test, and direct shear test. The value of the safety factor is 1,441, the value is in the safecategory because it passes the minimum value limit of the safety factor which is 1.25, this result isobtained from the terracing modeling.


  • Mining activities has become increasingly widespread in recent years, especially people’s mining, that just concerned about the result and not paying attention to the environmental factors.This is caused the post mining area’s destruction and environmental degradation potential

  • Slope stability analysis using Slide 6.0 software to identify the condition of post mining area from the results of undisturbed sample (UDS) laboratory data

  • The value of the safety factor is 1,441, the value is in the safe category because it passes the minimum value limit of the safety factor which is 1.25, this result is obtained from the terracing modeling

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Kegiatan penambangan merupakan kegiatan yang dapat mendatangkan keuntungan ekonomis yang cukup menjanjikan. Tentu saja dampak dari kegiatan tersebut akan mengakibatkan dan menyisakan lahan bekas penambangan yang rusak serta berpotensi menimbulkan degradasi terhadap lingkungan. Kerusakan lahan bekas tambang disebabkan kegiatan penambangan tanpa izin serta kurangnya perhatian terhadap pengelolaan pasca penambangan. Diponegoro, Semarang, Jawa Tengah fenomena tersebut juga terkait dengan terjadinya penurunan aspek sosial-ekonomi penduduk Keberadaan/lokasi kerusakan lahan bekas penambangan yang tidak memperhatikan pengelolaan pasca tambang menyebar di hampir semua Kabupaten dan Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Salah satu lokasi yang menyebabkan tebing sehingga rawan terjadinya gerakan tanah (longsor) dari aktifitas penambangan di areal bekas aktifitas penambangan di Desa Semaya Kecamatan Randudongkal Kabupaten Pemalang (Dinas ESDM, 2016). Mengetahui kondisi geologi dan jenis serta persebaran litologi yang terdapat pada lokasi penelitian. Lokasi Penelitian merupakan areal bekas pertambangan pasir dan batu yang terletak berada di wilayah Desa Semaya, Kecamatan Randudongkal Kabupaten Pemalang (Gambar 1)

Metode Penelitian
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