
One of millennial generation is students, they tend to use internet and gadget actively. So that, it may cause some tendencies such as narcissistic and apathy. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of information technology towards the narcissistic and apathy tendencies. The sample of the research is conducted to 263 of under graduate students at one of private university in Bandung - Indonesia. The method in this research used quantitative and descriptive method. While statistic method is used to assess the influence between ICT towards narcissistic and apathy tendencies. The results of this research showed that 72% of participants checked their social media more than 5 times per day and the highest number of user of social media is Instagram, 37% of participants used it. Whereas, from this research also can be seen there is positive correlation between information communication and technology (social media) towards narcissistic tendency (r = .06, p < .002) and also there is positive correlation between information communication and technology (social media) towards apathy (r = 002, p < .001), whereas the correlation between apathy and narcissistic has negative correlation (r = −.28, p < .001).

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