ABSTRACT: This research utilized a descriptive qualitative method. The research results show that there are some factors that influenced the voter's behavior in casting their vote, i.e. the social setting in the Aceh mental hospital; and the influence also came from similar religion and ethnic group of the candidates with the voters. The research results also show that their participation includes involvement in the Election socialization conducted by Banda Aceh Independent Election Commission, and their involvement was limited to only voting on Election Day. Based on the research results, some conclusions can be made. Firstly, the tendency of mentally-disordered voters' behavior in deciding their votes was based on the sociological approach if they had been normal voters. However, they were the voters who were under the influence of drugs taken before voting. Secondly, their participation was considered passive participation if they had been normal voters. However, mentally-disordered voters were the voters experiencing a mental illness, so their awareness to participate in the Election was due to mobilization and guidance made by Banda Aceh Independent Election Commission in socialization regarding the Election and guidance provided by psychiatrists. KEY WORD: Simultaneous Election; Mentally-Disordered Voters; Voters’ Behavior. RESUME: “Analisis Perilaku dan Partisipasi Pemilih Gangguan Mental dalam Pemilihan Umum Serentak 2019 di Banda Aceh, Indonesia”. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku pemilih dalam memberikan suara, yaitu lingkungan sosial di RS (Rumah Sakit) Jiwa Aceh; dan pengaruh juga berasal dari kesamaan agama dan suku antara calon pemilih dengan pemilih. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa keikutsertaan mereka meliputi keterlibatan dalam sosialisasi PEMILU (Pemilihan Umum) yang dilakukan oleh Komisi Independen Pemilihan Banda Aceh, dan keterlibatan mereka hanya sebatas pemungutan suara pada hari PEMILU. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat ditarik beberapa kesimpulan. Pertama, kecenderungan perilaku pemilih tuna grahita dalam memutuskan suara didasarkan pada pendekatan sosiologis jika mereka adalah pemilih biasa. Namun, mereka adalah para pemilih yang sedang dalam pengaruh obat-obatan yang diminum sebelum pencoblosan. Kedua, partisipasi mereka dianggap partisipasi pasif jika mereka adalah pemilih biasa. Namun, pemilih tuna grahita adalah pemilih yang mengalami gangguan jiwa, sehingga kesadaran mereka untuk mengikuti PEMILU dikarenakan mobilisasi dan arahan yang dilakukan oleh KPU (Komisi Pemilihan Umum) Banda Aceh dalam sosialisasi terkait PEMILU dan bimbingan yang diberikan oleh psikiater. KATA KUNCI: Pemilihan Umum Serentak; Pemilih dengan Gangguan Mental; Perilaku Pemilih. About the Authors: Dr. Effendi Hasan is a Lecturer at the Study Program of Political Science FISIP UNSYIAH (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Syiah Kuala University), Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Raudhah Tusnur, S.I.P. is a Researcher at the Study Program of Political Science FISIP UNSYIAH. Ardiansyah, M.A. is a Lecturer at the Study Program of Political Science FISIP UNSYIAH, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Corresponding Authors: effendi@unsyiah.ac.id , raudhahtusnur96@gmail.com , and ardy_zain@yahoo.com Suggested Citation: Hasan, Effendi, Raudhah Tusnur & Ardiansyah. (2020). “The Analysis of Behavior and the Participation of Mentally Disordered Voters in the 2019’s Simultaneous Elections in Banda Aceh, Indonesia” in SOSIOHUMANIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan , Volume 13(2), November, pp.79-92. Bandung and Banda Aceh, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI and FISIP UNSYIAH, with ISSN 1979-0112 (print) and ISSN 2622-6855 (online). Article Timeline : Accepted (September 9, 2020); Revised (October 9, 2020); and Published (November 30, 2020).
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