
Introduction: dr. Soetarto Hospital as a private institution has challenges to provide optimal services to the community. Hospitals must meet the technical requirements of hospital facilities and infrastructure to support complete health services, especially in inpatient rooms. The inpatient room at the dr. Soetarto includes the Ksatria Room (VIP), Nusa Indah Room (VVIP), ICU Room, Emergency Room, Perwira Room, Husada Room, Kartika Room, and Kirana Room. This study aims to analyze the standards of hospital buildings and infrastructure in inpatient rooms in accordance with Permenkes No. 24 of 2016.
 Method: The method used in this study is observation and in-depth interviews with resource persons using a questionnaire that is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health No.24 of 2016 concerning Technical Requirements for Hospital Buildings and Infrastructure in the Inpatient Unit of Dr. Soetarto Hospital in Yogyakarta.
 Result and Discussion: The results showed that the nurse station with an average score of 86.6% did not meet the standards, the inpatient center office 100% met the standards, and the doctor's office on duty met the standards 100%. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the average calculation of the three inpatient rooms at dr. Soetarto Yogyakarta by 95.5% and can be stated very well

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