
Argument: In recent years, there have been significant changes in approaches to the educational process implementation in accordance with international standards. At the same time, the emphasis is put not only on gaining relevant knowledge by students, but also on the relevant competencies that they could successfully implement in their practical activities. Taking into account the individual characteristics of students and their environment, which is designed to optimally organize the educational process, is outlined in the concept of adaptive learning. Goal: Definition of the concept of “adaptive learning”, its components and features of the educational process. Materials and methods: The analytical review of published scientific works on the subject under consideration. Results and discussion: Taking into account the difficult conditions for gaining knowledge (war with the Russian aggressor, the COVID-19 pandemic, difficult economic conditions), the implementation of the adaptive learning system becomes especially relevant. Adaptation of education to modern conditions, ensuring its innovation and productivity, adequate assessment with provision of a personalized approach to each student are the main challenges for modern education. Conclusions: The adaptive learning system is aimed at students’ acquiring of new knowledge, skills, ability to systematize and generalize the received information using modern information and communication technologies. At the same time, the emphasis is on the capability of the adaptive learning system to simulate an individual learning trajectory taking into account many internal and external factors: level of knowledge, learning conditions, abilities, individual psychological features of the student, etc.

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