
Following a 5 min pulse of [5- 3H] orotic acid via the portal vein, the specific radioactivity of non-poly(A)heterogeneous nuclear RNA (HnRNA) reaches a peak at 12 h after partial hepatectomy. In contrast, poly(A)-HnRNA was maximally elevated only at 2 h after operation. After intraportal injection of cordycepin (3′-deoxyadenosine) 1 min before [5- 3H] orotic acid, a dose-dependent inhibition of nuclear HnRNA and rRNA occurred. Fractionation of HnRNA on poly(U)-Sepharose following 20 mg/kg of cordycepin revealed that a 65% reduction occurred in the labeling of poly(A)-HnRNA while non-poly(A)-HnRNA was reduced by 43%. Studies of the pool size and specific radio-activity of UTP in control and cordycepin-treated animals indicated no significant alterations in these parameters. Assessment of poly(A) size using poly(A)-HnRNA annealed with oligo(dT) 10 as template primer for Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I, showed that 20 mg/kg of cordycepin inhibited nuclear polyadenylylation by 43%; no alteration in the binding of poly(A)-HnRNA to Millipore filters occurred at this dose of cordycepin. These results indicate that cordycepin is a non-selective inhibitor of nuclear RNA and poly(A) synthesis in regenerating rat liver.

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