
The complex of theoretical positions as the bases for creation of a new measuring tool of the strength of volitional qualities in adolescence is considered. It is based on the allocation of families of psychological properties of independent volitional qualities. In total, seven such families are distinguished. These include: the family of endurance, initiative, organization, perseverance, decisiveness, independence and courage. Each of them consists of 5 elements that are necessary and sufficient to build a metric scale for assessing the strength of manifestation of independent volitional qualities of a person. There is a test-questionnaire designed to measure the strength of each volitional quality in adolescence, including: content, instruction, keys, and an example of calculating a number of indicators. The psychometric substantiation of the diagnostic tool based on the description of content validity, as well as on the calculation of prognostic validity, retest and one-time reliability is carried out.

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