
The results of an investigation of algae inhabiting granite outcrops of river valleys located in three climatic zones of Ukraine: Polesye (Teterev River), Forest-Steppe (Ros' River), and Steppe (Yuzhnyi Bug River) are presented: 179 species belonging to six divisions of algae (Chlorophyta -108 species, Cyanoprokaryota - 30, Bacillariophyta - 16, Streptophyta - 16, Xanthophyta - 7, Eustigmatophyta - 2). Among these species eight are new species for Ukrainian flora, and about 30 species are rare and noteworthy records. Species composition of algae of studied locations is characterized by notable diversity of green (mainly trebuxiaphycean) and streptophycean algae. Green conjugating algae were diverse on outcrops of the Polesye; cyanoprokaryotes and diatoms are numerous on outcrops of the Forest-Steppe zone; cyanoprokaryotes are characteristic for outcrops of the Steppe zone. Dominant complexes common for all granite outcrops included genera Elliptochloris Tscherm.-Woess, Apatococcus F. Brand emend. Geitler, Desmococcus F. Brand emend. Vischer, Klebsormidium P.C. Silva et al., etc. Specificity to dominant complexes of outcrops of the Teterev River (Polesye) are given by representatives of Trentepohlia E. Martini and Mesotaenium Nageli, of the Ros' River (Steppe zone) - by Chlorogloea Wille, Gloeocapsa Kutz., Prasiolopsis Vischer, etc., of the Yuzhnyi Bug River (Forest-Steppe zone) - by Trentepohlia, Chlorogloea, Dilabifilum Tscherm.-Woess, etc. Two ecological groups of algae (epilithic and chasmoendolithic) are presented on granite outcrops of all investigated valleys: epiliths occurred in shaded places and near the water; chasmoendoliths were found on dry lighted slopes but sometimes also in the shade. Species composition and dominant complexes of algae from granite outcrops depend on conditions of the particular habitat as well as on the climatic zone. Comparison of data on algae from granite outcrops with other stone substrates of the Ukraine shows that species composition of algae is relatively similar on substrates with close chemical peculiarities; physical characters perhaps have less influence on algae.

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