Telegram is a messaging application which offers fast and reliable messaging and calls, and it has specific feature as a cloud-based messenger with seamless sync. During COVID-19 pandemic, telegram contributes big support in continuing teaching learning process. In this paper, telegram contribution in assisting E-learning of English reading will be revealed, particularly the impact on reading ability and its efficacy on learning. Pre-experimental method was the chosen research design in the research. The research location was at SMP Muhammadiyah Parepare and took 14 sample fromthe third-grade students which was chosen using accidental sampling. The data was gathered using reading test of narrative text to knowthe impact of telegram on students’ reading ability, and questionnaire was distributed to get data on telegram’s efficacy on students learning of English reading. Thus, it was analyzed using quantitative analysis. Based on the reading test, it was found in pre-test that students’ reading skill can be categorized fair based on national education standard 2018 as the average students’ reading score was 61. Therefore, the assistance of telegram in accommodating the learning during pandemic is assumed helpful in boosting students’ learning on English reading. The results of the data analysis on reading test showed that telegram application can support the students’ learning on English reading. It is indicated by the scoring gap between pre-test and post-test. Regarding the data from questionnaire through google form, the students agreed that telegram is effective and has benefits in helping students’ English reading.
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