
The effect of Mt. Sinabung eruption has profoundly affected the quality of fruit and vegetable production, in this context is fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetable, carrot, strawberry and pakcoy is kind of fruit and vegetable that is consumed by the community especially the communities surrounding both the mountain ranges and the general medan area. The fruit and vegetable are kinds of climateric and the lifespan must be kept. During the transportation of field to market, there wa both mechanical and physical damage.The damage will obviously harm farmers, merchants, and other marketers. So that hydrocooling is applied as a post harvest treatment. Hydrocooling is done right after the harvest, This prosess extracts heat from fruit and vegetables so that respiration and transpiration can continue for a long time.The lack of farmer understanding for post harvest handling is a major problem. Therefore, farmers in aberastagi will be given education and training about post harvest handling (hydrocooling) so they could understand and self applying that will keep their produce fresh. As for the output of this activity is a simple hydrocooling device designed as a visual aid in training. This hydrocooling equipment can also be a reference to training science for schoolchildren in particular agriculture schools and could be a referenceto researchers and developing them.


  • The effect of Mt. Sinabung eruption has profoundly affected the quality of fruit and vegetable production

  • kind of fruit and vegetable that is consumed by the community especially the communities surrounding both the mountain ranges

  • So that hydrocooling is applied as a post harvest treatment

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Maya Sari1) Roida Ervina Sinaga2) Juliana Br Simbolon3) Robert Sinaga4) 1)2)3)4)Universitas Quality. Dampak erupsi Gunung Sinabung sangat mempengaruhi kualitas produksi buah dan sayuran dalam konteks ini adalah buah dan sayur. Wortel, strawberry dan pakcoy merupakan jenis buah dan sayuran yang banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat khususnya masyarakat yang ada di sekitaran Gunung Sinabung maupun wilayah kota Medan umumnya. Kerusakan – kerusakan ini tentu saja akan merugikan petani, pedagang, dan pelaku pasar lainnya. Oleh karena itu hydrocooling diterapkan sebagai penanganan pascapanen. Hydrocooling segera dilakukan tepat setelah panen, proses ini mampu mengeluarkan panas yang terdapat dalam buah dan sayuran sehingga proses respirasi dan transpirasi dapat berlangsung lama. Para petani di daerah Berastagi akan diberikan edukasi dan pelatihan terkait penanganan pascapanen ini (hydrocooling) sehingga mereka memahami dan mampu menerapkannya secara mandiri yang nantinya dapat menjaga hasil kebun mereka tetap segar. Alat hydrocooling ini juga bisa menjadi referensi ilmu pelatihan bagi siswa sekolah khususnya sekolah pertanian, dan juga bisa menjadi referensi bagi para peneliti dan mengembangkannya

Penyimpanan Dingin Untuk dan Sayur Yang Terkena Erupsi
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