Academy of Management ReviewVol. 33, No. 2 Book ReviewsTechnology Perspective on Network Resources, by Riitta Katila, Stanford University, Stanford, CAAjay MehraAjay MehraBook Review EditorPublished Online:1 Apr 2008https://doi.org/10.5465/amr.2008.31193591AboutSectionsView articleView Full TextPDF/EPUB ToolsDownload CitationsAdd to favoritesTrack Citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail View articleREFERENCES Ahuja G. 2000. Collaboration networks, structural holes, and innovation: A longitudinal study. Administrative Science Quarterly, 45: 425–455. Google Scholar Anderson P. , Tushman M. 2001. Organizational environments and industry exit: The effects of uncertainty, munificence and complexity. Industrial and Corporate Change, 10: 675–711. Google Scholar Baum J. , Calabrese T. , Silverman B. 2000. Don't go it alone: Alliance networks and startups' performance in Canadian biotechnology, 1991-97. Strategic Management Journal, 21: 267–295. Google Scholar Eisenhardt K. , Schoonhoven C. 1996. Resource-based view of strategic alliance formation: Strategic and social ef-fects in entrepreneurial firms. Organization Science, 7: 136–150. Google Scholar Gulati R. , Nohria N. , Zaheer A. 2000. Strategic networks. Strategic Management Journal, 3: 203–215. Google Scholar Gulati R. , Singh H. 1998. The architecture of cooperation: Managing coordination costs and appropriation concerns in strategic alliances. Administrative Science Quarterly, 43: 781–814. Google Scholar Katila R. , Ahuja G. 2002. Something old, something new: A longitudinal study of search behavior and new product introductions. Academy of Management Journal, 45: 1183–1194.Abstract , Google Scholar Katila R. , Chen E. 2006. Never too early, never too late: Effects of search timing on product innovation. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, OMT: O1–O6. Google Scholar Katila R. , Mang P. 2003. Exploiting technological opportunities: The timing of collaborations. Research Policy, 32: 317–332. Google Scholar Katila R. , Shane S. 2005. When does lack of resources make new firms innovative?. Academy of Management Journal, 48: 814–829.Link , Google Scholar Mitchell W. 1989. Whether and when? Probability and timing of incumbents' entry into emerging industrial sub-fields. Administrative Science Quarterly, 34: 208–230. Google Scholar Powell W. , Koput K. , Smith-Doerr L. 1996. Interorganiza-tional collaboration and the locus of innovation: Networks of learning in biotechnology. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41: 116–145. Google Scholar Schoonhoven C. 2007. The role of theory in technology and innovation management scholarship. Distinguished speaker presentation at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia. Google Scholar Utterback J. 1994. Mastering the dynamics of innovation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Google ScholarFiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Vol. 33, No. 2 Permissions Metrics Downloaded 3 times in the past 12 months History Published online 1 April 2008 Published in print 1 April 2008 Information© Academy of Management ReviewKeywordsBOOKS -- ReviewsINTERORGANIZATIONAL relationsNONFICTIONPDF download
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