
The content of the article is to substantiate and structure the technology of the target block of the methodical system of application of fitness technologies in the educational process of physical education of students. The content of the target block is: awareness and need for physical activity, the presence of interests and motives for active exercise, including fitness technology; a system of knowledge and beliefs about mastering the values of physical culture; the need for a healthy lifestyle and the involvement of its environment; a focus on creating the conditions for further personal physical improvement, preservation of health, improvement of physical development and maintenance of high physical efficiency; awareness of the practical importance of fitness technologies in the fitness and fitness activities and mastering the skills and training to create the conditions for their implementation; focus on the acquisition of fitness technologies for their use in viability and in their professional activities. The implementation of the target block should begin with the goal of a clear goal, the student's understanding of the ways and means of achieving it. It has been found that the priorities of physical culture and sports that students want to engage in are: training in general physical training on simulators, fitness technologies, oriental martial arts, shaping (rhythmic gymnastics), skiing, wellness and other activities. It is determined that the process of formation and education of a student's personality by means of fitness technologies combines stable objective and subjective personal and social qualities that emerge and develop during the physical activity and under the influence of the social environment. In the target unit of the methodological system, it is necessary to formulate and develop needs, interests, preferences, motives for personal behavior, knowledge, cultural values, beliefs, etc.


  • The content of the target block is: awareness and need for physical activity, the presence of interests and motives for active exercise, including fitness technology; a system of knowledge and beliefs about mastering the values of physical culture; the need for a healthy lifestyle and the involvement of its environment; a focus on creating the conditions for further personal physical improvement, preservation of health, improvement of physical development and maintenance of high physical efficiency; awareness of the practical importance of fitness technologies in the fitness and fitness activities and mastering the skills and training to create the conditions for their implementation; focus on the acquisition of fitness technologies for their use in viability and in their professional activities

  • The implementation of the target block should begin with the goal of a clear goal, the student's understanding of the ways and means of achieving it

  • It has been found that the priorities of physical culture and sports that students want to engage in are: training in general physical training on simulators, fitness technologies, oriental martial arts, shaping, skiing, wellness and other activities

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Загальний рейтинг

Фізкультурно-оздоровча діяльність формує домінуючі особистісні потреби, інтереси, цінності та орієнтації, які спонукають студентів до активних занять фітнес-технологіями, що активізує їх рухову активність. Оволодіння теоретичними знаннями під час занять фітнес-технологіями відбувається шляхом повідомлення викладачем студенту відомостей, які необхідні для підтримання здоров’я, виконання вимог навчально-оздоровчих занять тощо. Викладач має створювати такі умови, щоб викликати у студента внутрішню потребу оволодіння знаннями, які сприятимуть застосуванню фітнес-технологій для забезпечення здорового способу життя. Що чинна система фізичного виховання у закладах вищої освіти не сприяє фомуванню глибоких знань із фізичної культури та здорового способу життя, проведення активного дозвілля Основний загал студентів має низький і поганий рівень знань із фізкультурно-оздоровчої діяльності. Рівень знань студентів із фізкультурно-оздоровчої діяльності (чоловіки, n = 257; жінки, n = 316; в %)

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Життєві цінності
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