
The content of “technological security” at different hierarchical levels (state, region, enterprise), its place in the system of economic security and factors influencing its level are studied, forecast estimates of world trends in the development of science and technology are given. The global technological and scientific trends in the field of weapons and military equipment are shown based on the analysis of publications by NATO, foreign governments, SIPRI, the Munich Security Conference, the EU, international analytical and consulting organizations. The state of economic security in Ukraine, the main challenges and threats in the field of investment and innovation security has been analyzed. It is concluded that the competition of the world’s largest technology leaders has only intensified. The politically motivated technology war is just beginning. National security interests will increasingly influence the competition of technology platforms in various fields. Intellectual security is a system-forming element, primary in comparison with innovative and/or technological security, since it directly affects the state of not only scientific and technological, but also other components of economic security. The implementation of the Economic Security Strategy of Ukraine will allow introducing a system for monitoring economic stability and assessing the state of economic security; will contribute to increasing the efficiency of the implementation of state policy in the field of ensuring economic security and political responsibility for its results.

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