
Russian universities need to focus on the effectiveness of the communicative and pragmatic potential of hypertext when creating an English-language version of the site. Since the choice of the correct or incorrect translation strategy will affect, respectively, the nature of the interpretation of the content consumed by its users. When translating a hypertext space, it is necessary to take into account its non-linguistic characteristics, namely: formatting of the text, its location, the presence of graphic elements as they have a certain pragmatic influence on the recipient, causing them to have a specific reaction to the presented content of the site. In the course of the analysis, it was revealed that when transferring hypertext by translators, in order to preserve the pragmatic equivalent, the following translation techniques were used: literal translation, addition, omission, generalization, compression. Thus, when transmitting hypertext, the usual translation transformations are employed.
 Background. In order to preserve pragmatic equivalence when translating hypertext, it is necessary to rely on the audience of the translation text, that is, to take into account the cultural, psychological, and national characteristics of the recipients.
 Purpose. The article identifies and examines examples of the translation of hypertext space materials while preserving the non-linguistic features of the original, affecting the preservation of its pragmatic potential.
 Materials and methods. The research material was the English and Russian versions of the websites of the following Russian universities: RUDN, OSU, MGIMO, KFU. In the course of the work, the analysis of theoretical and methodological literature on the research problem, linguistic analysis of the research material, the method of continuous sampling and comparative analysis of the original and translation were used.
 Results. The results of the study showed that when translating university websites, it is necessary to take into account not only the linguistic features of the original, but also the non-linguistic markers of the original (graphic segmentation of the text, font, location of information, etc.), since they also have a pragmatic effect on the recipient, causing him a certain pragmatic attitude to the reported. Choosing the wrong translation strategy can lead to the fact that the pragmatic potential of the original will be transferred only partially or even lost.
 Practical implications. The results of the study can be used to compile a corpus of typical mistakes made when translating websites of higher educational institutions and to make recommendations for translators in the field of hypertext translation.

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