
The purpose of this article is to establish a technical–economic study of slop reinforcement solutions. The results of which will be used by the various stakeholders in land use planning (ministry of interior and equipment, technical design office; Laboratories, etc.) in the Eastern Rif region-Morocco. To be chosen for each of the dominant soils in the study area: the best technically adopted stabilization solution and the least costly from an economist point of view among a variety of solutions.By analyzing the results of the cost estimates of the slope stabilization solutions studied, it turns out that the least expensive solution is that relating to the Geometric Modification of the slope since it does not require special implementation equipment. Nor expensive materials, which justifies the wide use of this solution in most slop reinforcement sites.However, it should be noted that this solution requires recurrent maintenance since the slope, although stable remains exposed to erosion agents (rain, wind …) which causes its frequent alteration (falling stone, and soil conglomerate, etc.), the recurring maintenance of which during its lifespan is expensive.Furthermore, this maintenance constitutes an obstacle for traffic on the main roads and railways or even a temporary shutdown, the economic consequences of which on the passenger and freight transport are exorbitant for the main axes connecting the ports and large agglomerations, hence the need to invest initially in solutions more effective and lasting stabilization, especially bored piles.

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