
Abstract This study aims to reveal the challenges of teachers in using online learning media and to find solutions that can be taken by teachers. In the current pandemic, teachers are required to be able to master technology, so that teachers can take advantage of various online media in learning. Currently, many PAUD teachers are confused about utilizing technology-based online media. Finally, in a simple way, the teacher gives written assignments through the WhatsApp group for parents to work on by children. This new activity requires teachers to have competence in operating technology to design and use appropriate learning media for children. Teachers are required to quickly adapt to technology so that teachers are able to use various applications to support online learning at. The research method used is a literature study where the data collection technique is through processing and analyzing various sources or references to scientific journals and books whose relevance with the problem to be studied. Data analysis relates problems to theories contained in scientific journals or appropriate books. The results of this study found that in the use of online learning media, there were several challenges for teachers such as the weak competence of teachers in mastering technology, the lack of facilities and infrastructure in utilizing various online learning media and the limited internet network in covering other online learning media. The solution that teachers can take is to conduct various trainings, webinars or workshops. Teachers can also take advantage of various training platforms provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture, free or paid.
 Keywords: Teacher Challenges, Online Leraning Media, Early Childhood

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