
OZ Tanzimat donemi sosyal, ekonomik ve idari tarihimiz acisindan bir donum noktasidir. Bu devrin en onemli ozeliklerinden biri de merkez ve tasra idarelerinde yapilan degisikliklerdir. Tanzimat Fermani’nin ilanindan sonra Uskup’te idari taksimatta yeni duzenlemeler yapilmis, kaymakamliklar ve mudurlukler olusturulmustur. 1864 senesinde yayimlanan nizamname ile de ulke genelinde Eyalet Sistemi’nden, Vilayet sistemine gecilmistir. Calismamizda Tanzimat Fermani’nin ilanindan, 1868 senesinde Uskup Vilayeti’nin lagvedilmesine kadar gecen surede Tanzimat Fermani ve sonrasinda Uskup Eyaleti’nde yapilan idari duzenlemelerin yansimasi ve uygulanmasi noktalari ele alinmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tanzimat, Balkanlar, Uskup THE IMPLIMENTATION OF TANZIMAT ON SKOPJE PROVINCE ABSTRACT Tanzimat period is very important for social, economic and adminstrative, history of us. The charecteristic of this period is the revisions in the central and province administrations. In the period of Tanzimat, to develop the disorganized Ottoman public administration, new reforms had been made. After proclaim of Tanzimat firman, some new organisations in the administrative cleavage have taken place as passing from province system to province system by announcing of 1864 Vilâyet Nizamnamesi is established. In this article the points of the reflection and the practice of managerial legislation until Tanzimat and after were debated from the announcement of the Tanzimat to the revocation of the province Skopje in 1868. It should be noted immediately that the provisions of the Tanzimat province and regulations issued after were performed at the Skopje state. Key Words: Tanzimat, Balkans, Skopje

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