Authentic Deed is a deed in which the truth of the Formal and Material and Subjective elements and the Objective Elements must be in accordance with the applicable Laws and Regulations. This study analyzed the form of notary's responsibility as an official making deeds on deeds that formally defects and legal consequences for authentic deeds if the witnesses in the deed are not present at the time the deed is read. The research method used normative legal research, namely legal research conducted by examining library materials or secondary legal material while the problem approach is carried out using a legal approach and conceptual approach. The results of the study indicate that the Notary Deed that does not meet the Formal and Maternal requirements and does not meet the Subjective Elements and Objective Elements, then the deed can be null and void, and / or can be canceled. The absence of witnesses at the time of reading and signing the Minuta deed can make the notary be declared to give false information in an authentic deed
Authentic Deed is a deed in which the truth of the Formal
the Objective Elements must be in accordance with the applicable Laws
This study analyzed the form of notary's responsibility
ABSTRAK Akta Otentik adalah akta yang kebenaran Formal dan Materiil serta unsur-nsur Subyektif dan Unsur Obyektif harus sesuai dengan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan yang berlaku. Penelitian ini menganalisis bentuk pertanggungjawaban notaris sebagai pejabat pembuat akta terhadap akta yang mengandung cacat secara formal dan akibat hukum terhadap akta otentik jika saksi-saksi dalam akta tidak hadir pada saat akta dibacakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Akta Notaris yang tidak memenuhi syarat Formal dan Materiil serta tidak memenuhi Unsur Subjektif dan Unsur Objektif, maka akta tersebut dapat menjadi batal demi hukum, dan/atau dapat dibatalkan. Ketidakhadiran saksi–saksi pada saat pembacaan dan penandatanganan minuta akta dapat membuat notaris dinyatakan memberikan keterangan palsu dalam akta otentik. Kata Kunci: Akta Otentik, Tanggung jawab Notaris, Kebenaran Formal, Kebenaran Materil
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