
In this reflective piece, the author, a Latino librarian with 25 years of experience in academic libraries, explores the challenges and opportunities surrounding diversity and inclusion within the profession. Through personal anecdotes and historical context, the author highlights the persistent underrepresentation of Latinx librarians in academic settings and the growing importance of addressing this disparity, particularly in response to the demographic shifts in the United States. The establishment of the REFORMA Academic Librarians Advancing Service (ALAS) committee emerges as a pivotal initiative aimed at empowering Latinx librarians and better serving Latinx student populations. Drawing inspiration from mentors and predecessors, the author emphasizes the need for proactive measures from library deans and directors to support initiatives like ALAS, promote cultural competency, and foster diversity within their institutions. By fostering inclusivity, representation, cultural competency, and equitable access to knowledge, the profession can evolve to reflect the diversity of the communities it serves.

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