
The deuterium concentration in the fattyacids of food consumed was recently shownto impact the maximal rate of ATP production effecting the resting heart rates in six volunteers. One of these volunteers had three echocardiocardiograms to evaluate an intermittent systolic ejection murmur that first appeared after adopting a ketogenic diet and this murmur became more pronounced following a low deuterium cold water sea food diet. The echocardiograms revealed that the aortic ejectionvelocity and aortic pressuregradients systematically increasewith decreasing deuteriumlevels in the diet. These findings reveal that the meals consumed do have a significant impact on the parameters determined from echocardiography likely due to changes in the ventricular contractility. The aorticpressure gradients extrapolate to zero as the deuterium content approaches 155.9 ppm.

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