
Synthesis of high specific activity radiotracers labeled with short-lived positron-emitting radionuclides for positron emission tomography (PET) often requires handling large initial quantities of radioactivity. High specific activities are required when preparing tracers for use in PET studies of neuroreceptors. A fully automated approach for tracer synthesis is highly desirable. This proposal involves the development of a system for the Synthesis of Tracers using Automated Radiochemistry and Robotics (STARR) for this purpose. While the long range objective of the proposed research is the development of a totally automated radiochemistry system for the production of major high specific activity {sup 11}C-radiotracers for use in PET, the specific short range objectives are the automation of {sup 11}C-methyl iodide ({sup 11}CH{sub 3}I) production via an integrated approach using both radiochemistry modular labstations and robotics, and the extension of this automated capability to the production of several radiotracers for PET (initially, {sup 11}C-methionine, 3-N-[{sup 11}C-methyl]spiperone, and [{sup 11}C]-carfentanil).

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