
The synthesis of high specific activity radiotracers labeled with short-lived positron-emitting radionuclides for use in positron emission tomography (PET) often requires handling large initial quantities of radioactivity for a successful tracer preparation and PET study. High specific activities are required when preparing tracers for use in PET studies of neuroreceptors, which are small biomacromolecular recognition sites that are finite in number and easily saturated. With the current demands for production of radiotracers for PET, a fully automated approach for tracer synthesis is highly desirable. This proposal involves the development of a system for the Synthesis of Tracers using Automated Radiochemistry and Robotics (STARR) for this purpose. While the long range objective of the proposed research is the development of a totally automated radiochemistry system for the production of major high specific activity II C-radiotracers for use in PET, the specific short range objectives of the proposed research are the automation of {sup 11}C-methyl iodide ({sup 11}CH{sub 3}I) production via an integrated approach using both radiochemistry modular labstations and robotics, and the extension of this automated capability to the production of several radiotracers for PET.

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