
The purpose of the study is to analyze the peculiarities of surzhikization of the modern Ukrainian language. To solve the tasks set in the work, a comprehensive research methodology was used. The main methods of analysis of the surzhik in the texts is a complex contrastive-pearl analysis with the involvement of elements of contextual, component, transformational analysis, as well as the method of vocabulary definitions.The object of the study is the peculiarities of the process of surzhikization of the modern Ukrainian language. The subject of research is the surzhikizm of modern Ukrainian language.Taking as a basis for the delineation of the "higher" competence of the bilingual, we divide cases of use of surfers in the conditions of Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism on: a) connected with language competence; b) connected with communicative competence; c) are related to cultural competence. The assignment of the cases of use of surfers to one or the same type is considered conditional, because in communication we observe only the relative autonomy of purely linguistic and pragmatic components. Classification characteristics of each described situation of unsuccessful communication overlap and overlap. The question of overcoming the situations of the use of surzhik in interpersonal communication lies in the plane of socio-psychological interaction and requires the involvement of developments such disciplines as practical psychology, sociology, conflictology. Optimization of communication, in our opinion, is possible in the condition of attention to idiolk by each person - improving the knowledge of each language, adherence to the postulates of cooperative communication, raising their own level of development. The path of non-conflict lies through communicative empathy, a guideline for mutual understanding, self-reflection of speakers, as well as a rejection of ethnocentrism in intercultural communication. The problem of surzhikization of the modern Ukrainian language is promising for further research, namely: the development of new research methods, the study of the influence of the surzhikization of modern Ukrainian language on the formation of public opinion.

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