
Managing thermal transport in nanostructured materials possesses both theoretical and application value in thermoelectric and microelectronics design. Though a suppressed thermal conductivity could be easily achieved through disorder-induced phonon scattering in a superlattice, it is challenging to enhance thermal transport in a periodically designed lattice. In this paper, we show the possibility of mediating thermal conductivity from a suppressed to an enhanced value in a Fermi-Pasta-Ulam β superlattice with periodic cells of arithmetically increased nonlinearity. When the cell length is increased, thermal conductivity in the superlattice crosses over a suppressed region into an enhanced one and it is even higher than in a homogeneous lattice with the same nonlinearity strength. The mediation originates from the long-lived nonlinear wave packets as solitons across the disorder-induced interface between cells of the superlattice, while at the same time the normal vibrational modes as phonons are suppressed. Our result shows a promising strategy to manipulate thermal transport over a wide range in a superlattice with strong nonlinearity.

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