
The article is devoted to the study of the role and place of customs regulation in the system of support of branches of the national economy, the effectiveness of the implementation of its tools, depending on the stage of development of the industry. The most important vector of development of the customs service of the Russian Federation in accordance with its Development Strategy until 2030, updated in modern conditions of foreign economic activity, is aimed at protecting objectively significant economic needs of the country, the satisfaction of which ensures the implementation of national strategic priorities. Customs regulation plays a significant role in these processes, since the effective implementation of its instruments is able to influence the volume and structure of trade turnover, the conditions created for the development of foreign economic activity, increasing the usefulness of regulatory instruments for the development of sectors of the national economy. Thus, the results of customs regulation satisfy a whole range of needs of different recipients, manifesting themselves in different types of efficiency. The target principles of the development of customs regulation are outlined, the instruments of its implementation in the sectoral context are systematized, the types of effects obtained by various subjects of the system of regulation of foreign economic activity are determined, and the measures of customs regulation in the system of state regulation of the economy are determined, applied depending on the stage of development of branches of the national economy. Taken together, this forms a comprehensive view of the content of customs regulation, its place in the system of state regulation of the economy and the prospects for improvement.

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