
The demands of globalization make competition occur in all fields, including in the world of education. This study aims to identify and describe the characteristics of a superior school characteristics in the context of superior school development management that emphasizes more on the school climate or culture, such as interpersonal relationships between individuals throughout the school community, learning environment, learning model, pleasant environment, principal leadership, teacher skills, school morale, and spirit correlate positively and significantly with personality and academic achievement of graduates. This phenomenological research reveals the phenomenon of experience obtained based on consciousness in several individuals. This research setting includes SD Negeri Indrasari 1, SD Negeri Indrasari 2, and SD Negeri Tambak baru Ulu, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan. The three schools were chosen based on the similar characteristics of the school. Namely, it is a public school with A / B accreditation, is in a wetland environment area, and is a favorite school in the region. The results of the research show that the integrated integration between national, local, and typical curricula with Islamic foundations has proven to be able to run in Leading Schools by producing good graduates, institutional management applied at the school level as well as learning management is expected to be a model or basic framework to become a future school.

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