
Islam was revealed by Allah S.W.T to His messenger, the great Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is a complete and comprehensive religion to face all human problems in this world. It is integrated into a natural system and suitable to be implemented in all places, times, and situations. All its laws and regulations are not contrary to the norms and human nature. This is simply to ensure harmonious life, free from all strife that can ruin a human life. In daily life, human beings often cannot escape from facing various difficulties, problems, and disputes. Therefore, Islam does not allow its followers to look for a solution to the matter without providing a way out and blowing the spirit of Islamiyyah into it. The sulh method is a concept of external dispute resolution and this method has been practiced in all Syariah Courts throughout Malaysia. Peace carries the definition of one of the main teachings in Islam that leads to things or deeds to make peace. This qualitative study uses library research methods as well as documents such as the Quran, books, and research papers. This study aims to refine the concept of Sulh in Islam, history and evaluate the application of Sulh which is now increasingly overlooked by society. This study is important in elevating the concept and wisdom of Sulh that needs to be emphasized in Islam in order to be able to be appreciated and harmonized by the community in Malaysia.

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