
The relative importance of endogenous metabolism and urinary metabolite excretion was assessed in vivo in six children with methylmalonic acidemia by examining the kinetics of the immediate precursor to methylmalonate, propionate. Total production and oxidation of propionate were measured by means of a continuous infusion of (1-13C)propionate and were compared with the urinary excretion of propionate metabolites. Propionate oxidation was substantial (mean 48.9 mumol/kg/hr +/- SD 18.0) and, in four children, exceeded urinary metabolite excretion (mean urinary excretion in all subjects 40 mumol/kg/hr +/- 25). The sum of urinary excretion and oxidation rates (88 mumol/kg/hr +/- 29) approximated the total propionate production (93.4 +/- 37.0), suggesting that these routes together constitute the major mechanisms of propionate disposal. These results suggest that propionate oxidation is an important route of disposal in methylmalonic acidemia. Variations in the relative proportions of propionate disposal through oxidation and urinary excretion may be one reason for the often poor correlation between clinical status and urinary metabolite excretion. Measurement of urinary metabolite concentration alone may not always reflect clinical status and responses to treatment accurately.

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