Abstract. Article deals with the question of the use of contextual approach at the teaching of SLA (Safety of the life activity) subjects and civic defense at the HEI of the mining profile that gives the possibility to support the student’s interest to the subject and to form his professional motivation. At the teaching of subjects are given the examples and explanations taking into account the subject and social content of the future professional activity. The principles of teaching of SLA, “Labor protection” and “Civil defense” on the contextual base presuppose the using at lessons the real situations that took place at enterprises of Kryvbass. Students also get the problem-search tasks such as schemes, figures, terms or formulas that need the individual answer. It gives a possibility to master the material faster and more productively in presence of the teacher. The experience of the use of this kind of teaching demonstrates that it has a great value at the professional preparation of the further specialists and stimulates the initiative at learning the subject
Article deals with the question of the use
given the examples and explanations taking into account the subject
on the contextual base presuppose the using at lessons the real situations that took place at enterprises
Article deals with the question of the use of contextual approach at the teaching of SLA (Safety of the life activity) subjects and civic defense at the HEI of the mining profile that gives the possibility to support the student’s interest to the subject and to form his professional motivation. 1. Вступ Навчання, в якому за допомогою всієї системи дидактичних форм, методів та засобів моделюється предметний і соціальний зміст майбутньої професійної діяльності фахівця, а засвоєння ними абстрактних знань як знакових систем накладено на канву цієї діяльності, називається контекстним [1]. Основними складовими контекстного навчання є предметний і соціальний контексти майбутньої професійної діяльності фахівця.
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