
This study was aimed to determine the antibacterial activity of onion (Allium cepaL.) aqueous extract against S. aureus bacteria isolated from patients with otitis media. Twenty swabs samples were taken from patients with otitis infection; these samples were cultured on different agar media .Results revealed that half of these isolates were related to S. aureus and the five of these isolates were subject to sensitivity test against several antibiotic groups. Most of isolates 100% were resistance to amoxicillin, chloramphenicol, cefoxitin and pencillin, and 60 % of were showed resistance to cefotaxtime and tetracycline, where as 20 % were resistance to Ciprofloxacin. Depending on the results of antibiotic sensitivity, the two isolates(S2,S5) were chosen for determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test, S2 isolate showed high-level of resistance at (16 and 128 µg/ml) to chloraemphenicol, amoxicillin, ampicillin and Cefotaxime respectively, while S5 at concentration (32, 64 and 128 µg\ml) were resistance to amoxicillin, ampicillin, chloraemphenicol and cefotaxtime. The MIC of onion extract against S. aureus was determined at two incubation periods The results were indicated that after 24 hrs, MIC of extract at 64 µg/ml was affected in inhibit the growth of S2 isolate, While 32 µg/ml was inhibited the growth of S5 isolate.However, after 72 hrs, It was found that the MIC at 32, 64 and 128 µg/ml were more effective in inhibited the growth of S2 and S5 isolates.


  • Medicinal plants, called therapeutic herbs have been found and utilized in conventional drug researches since ancient occasions

  • Preparation the aqueous onion extract The onion bulb was cleaned from dust by using sterile distilled water, removing the outer cover of the bulb. (21).Peeled out manually and soaked with distill water, 200g of the onion bulb were cut into small pieces and grinded, soak with 100 ml of distilled water for 24hrs (13)

  • Bacterial isolation Twenty ear samples were collected from patients suffering from middle ear infection from Al-Yarmook Teaching Hospital in Baghdad from the periods (1/9/20171/11/2017) using sterile cotton swab these were processed for direct examination and cultivation on blood agar media, macConkey agar and brain heart agar media (Bangalore, India) and were identified initially as Staphylococcus species according to their morphological, physiological and biochemical properties as indicated by Baird-Parker AC. 1963 (24) by using Gram stain, colony shape, oxidase, catalase, growth on manitol salt agar, growth at 15 and 45 Co

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‫) على بكتيريا المكّو ارت العنقودية الذهبية المعزولة‬Allium cepaL.) ‫هدفت هذه الد ارسة الى تحديد التاثي ارلمضاد البكتيري لمستخلص البصل المائي‬ ‫أظهرت‬.‫ مسحة من المرضى المصابين بلتهاب الإذن الوسطى وزرعت على اوساط زرعية محتلفة‬20 ‫حيث اخذت‬.‫من مرضى التهاب الإذن الوسطى‬. ‫ بعدها اخضعت خمسة من هذه العزلات الى اختبار الحساسية ضد مجموعات مختلفة‬.‫النتائج أن نصف العزلات تنتمي إلى المكّو ارت العنقودية الذهبية‬ ‫ منهم‬%60 ‫ و‬%100 ‫ وبنسلين بنسبة‬،‫ سيفوكسيتين‬،‫ كلورامفينيكول‬،‫ أثبتت النتائج أن معظم العزلات مقاومة للاموكسيسيلين‬.‫من المضادات الحياتية‬. ‫ملليليتر)اثرعلى نمو‬/‫مايكروغ ارم‬64,32(‫ ساعة كان التركيز‬24 ‫البصل على نموالمكورات العنقودية الذهبية بفت ارت حضن مختلفة وبينت النتائج انه بعد‬. ‫ملليليتر) اكثر فعالية‬/‫مايكروغ ارم‬128,64, 32(‫) بت اركيز‬MIC(‫ ساعة وجد ان التركيز المثبط الادنى‬72 ‫ على التوالي بينما بعد مرور‬S5,S2 ,‫العزلتين‬. ‫عزلات‬,‫التهاب الاذن الوسطى‬,‫الاعشاب التقليدية‬,‫بكتريا المكو ارت العنقودية الذهبية‬,‫مضادات حيوية‬:‫الكلمات المفتاحية‬

Antibiotic susceptibility μl of the aqueous crude extract suspensions
Minimum inhibitory concentration
Percentage of resistance
Goldberg The Complete German Commission
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