
Twenty swab samples were taken from patients suffering from otitis infection; these samples were cultured on different agar media (blood agar base, macConky and cetramide). Several microscopical, morphological and biochemical tests were performed and results showed that 50% of isolated colony were belonged to Psudomonas aeruginosa. In addition it was found that males were more susceptible to infection with otitis than female especially at teenager aged.
 Five isolates were subject to sensitivity test against several antibiotic groups. Result showed that all five isolates were resistance to pencilline, tetracycline, Cefotaxtin (100%) and (60%) of them showed resistance to cefotaxime and (40%) to chloroemphenicol and (20%) to amoxicillin while all isolates were sensitive to ciprofloxacin. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test was performed for two multiple drugs resistance isolates (P1 and P2) result declared that both P1and P2 showed high-level of resistance to Cefotaxime and chloraemphenicol with MIC (128μg\ml), followed by (64μg\ml) to ampicillin while P2 was (128 μg\ml), as well as, the amoxicillin showed the lowest MIC (16 μg\ml) forP1 and (64 μg\ml) to P2.No pH effect was observed on the activity of garlic when antibacterial effect of garlic extract against Pseudomonas aeruginosa was investigated at different PH. The MIC of garlic extract on Pseudomonas aeruginosa at different incubation periods was determined. Results showed that after 24hrs MIC of extract was greater than 8μg/ml for P1 isolate and 16μg/ml for P2 isolate.While, after 72rs it was found that the MIC at concentrations (32, 64 and 128 μg/ml) were more effective in inhibition growth of (P1, P2) while in (8 μg/ml) that indicated heavy growth of P. aeruginosa

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