
Art environment is a best enlightening book for i nfants, and interior environment design is one of the important parts of art education in infant development. While conducting the interior environment design, we shall pay attention to children's psychological needs, the design space's conforming to the harmony of human and materials, and the coordination of interior environment design with the infants' developing mind. If we cultivate their artistic accomplishment since they are still infants, beautify the infants' spiritual context, then their aesthetic view can be enhanced, their artistic creation potential can be found, and their artistic observation and imagination ability can be inspired, thus to shape their artistic personality, to create beautiful artistic environment for them, and to give them a good living, learning environment and the energetic growth vision and space. With the development of China's social economy, people's living standard has been improved rapidly, combined with western culture's entering into China, Chinese have changed their aesthetic outlook, and they gradually have new pursuit of interior environment design. But a lot of interior design is made from the perspective of aesthetic feeling, and there exists obvious limitation and deficiency as for art education, let alone to combine interior environment design with children's art education. Therefore, it is a problem worthy to be discussed about how to make use of interior design elements to improve the children's art education, and to inspire children's art spirit and artistic creation ability. After the reform and opening up, China's economy has developed rapidly, and people's living quality is getting better and better, people's aesthetic view has also changed, and people have higher requirement about interior environmental design condition. So people tend to pursue luxury interior environment design and spacious interior space. But to our regret, obvious limitation and deficiency exist in the past and current art education, with its importance being ignored, not to mention the combination of interior environment design with children's art education. The elements of preschool art education are rarely applied in the interior environment design, some interior environment design is monotonous and dim, and are traditional and simple, which have deprived the infants of their art spiritual and artistic creation environment. Although interior environment design standard is quite high in China and the contents of interior environment design are also enriched, the application of reasonable decoration in interior space, rational selection of style and reasonable application of color and material in preschool art education is not obvious. Therefore, making full use of artistic education elements in the interior environment design and to design a high quality infants' interior environment is the task of the designers with no time to delay. Such interior environment design will bring a positive, happy and upward influence on Children with artistic inspiration and enable them to grow up happily.

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