
<p>近年來許多研究都指出木材有助於降低室內溫度,提升室內環境品質,更有益於居住使用者的身體健康,但目前卻缺乏木構造對於改善熱能的效益多寡的研究,無法驗證木構造所改善之實際效益。此外,目前台灣建造木構造之建築價格比鋼筋混凝土貴了1.5倍左右,這些因素均使木構造建築在台灣建築產業無法像鋼筋混凝土構造相同普及,對於一般民眾、建築產業選擇木構造做為建材使用之誘因不足。台灣近年於政策中開始推廣綠建材,推行多項鼓勵綠建材標章申請的措施與多方進行綠建材觀念之推廣宣導,企圖創造綠色環境。然而,台灣習慣性經常使用高耗能及高傳導係數的材料來建構房屋,接著再陸續研究許多降溫與節能的節能綠建築技術,除了增加營運成本以外,也製造額外的耗能與碳排量,這種現象與全球的發展趨勢背道而馳。因此,改造現有的建築材料,以滿足台灣現在和未來的熱舒適性、生活方式、能源效率等對應氣候減緩的問題,是必須思考的課題。木構造建築具有輕質量、永續性等優點,但同時存在耐震、防火等需持續改善的問題,而鋼筋混凝土構造則具有高強度、剛性、造價成本低、跨度較大等優勢。而台灣地區氣候潮濕、悶熱,若居住於複合式木構造住宅可以隔絕地面的濕氣,也可以減少害蟲入侵住宅等情況,同時對於室內具有調節溫濕度的功能,增加環境與居住者之熱舒適。 故本研究嘗試提出台灣高雄地區發展複合式木構造之可能性,在符合相同空調容積的前提之下,模擬可能的住宅型態樣式進行耗能差異及回收年限,再透過生命週期評估於使用維護階段進行環境衝擊的比較。因此本研究將透過EnergyPlus以及SimaPro軟體來進行模擬,比較高雄平地型地區的鋼筋混凝土與複合式木構造連棟式街屋之建築物使用階段日常使用耗能以及廢氣處理階段環境衝擊,期望作為台灣木構造建築未來發展的新選擇。</p> <p> </p><p>Greenhouse gas emissions increase global temperature and cause abnormal climate changes, which led to global warming. Due to the rise of environmental awareness, many countries have successfully implemented energy conservation and carbon reduction policies to curb the speed of global warming and reduce the carbon footprint. There are around 60% houses constructed by reinforced concrete buildings in Taiwan. It leads almost 70% of the energy use of the buildings from the consumption of air conditioners in residential and commercial buildings, which shows that the impact of the construction industry on the environment is very serious. Also, to reduce the heat transfer conductivity of reinforced concrete buildings, Taiwan has studied many international building materials for building insulation performance in recent years. In response to the problem of the climate change, the development of new regulations and materials, leads the development of construction to hybrid construction methods in Taiwan. The hybrid structure of wood construction combines the advantage of rigidity, sustainability and enhance efficiency. At the same time, the international community is actively discussing the possibility of future development of wood construction cities Therefore, this study attempts to propose the possibility of developing hybrid wood construction in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The energy consumption of Reinforced Concrete and Hybrid wood construction are simulated under the premise of meeting the same air-conditioning volume. Also, through the life cycle assessment for the daily use and maintenance session, environmental impacts and carbon emission are calculated. EnergyPlus and SimaPro software are used for simulation It is expected that a new choice for the future development of wooden construction would be proposed.</p> <p> </p>

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