
<p>由於目前臺灣直交集成板(Cross-Laminated-Timber, CLT)大多為國外預製進口,若能直接運用國內生產木材,不旦可活絡國產材的市場,亦能輔助臺灣國產材製成CLT法規的推動。故本研究以國產材CLT進行耐火試驗初探,參考CNS12514-1「建築物構造部分之耐火試驗法」標準進行耐火試驗,以小尺寸45cm×45cm進行試驗,每次試驗為2至4片放入特製鐵框中以垂直(等同於牆)方向進行加熱,共加熱試驗6組總計20個試驗體。其中變數條件為三種國產材(柳杉Japanese cedar、臺灣杉Taiwania,及杉木China fir)、兩種膠合劑(間苯二酚樹脂膠合劑RF及乙烯脲酯膠合劑KR)及三種樹種強度(M30、M60及M90)分別進行30分鐘與60分鐘之耐火試驗。綜合變數條件及試體炭化深度比較,結果如下:1.柳杉為三種樹種中炭化深度最少之樹種。2.強度M30、M60及M90之平均炭化速率分別為0.67 mm/min、0.72 mm/min及0.79 mm/min,本實驗結果為等級越高有提高炭化速率的趨勢。3.膠合劑不同炭化深度較無差別,但膠合效果以間苯二酚樹脂為佳。</p> <p> </p><p>At present, cross-laminated-timber (CLT) buildings in Taiwan are prefabricated and imported from overseas. If wood materials made from domestic timber in Taiwan can be directly used, encouraging the market for domestic timber and assisting in the promotion of regulations for CLT made from domestic timber. This study is a preliminary discussion on fire resistance performance in accordance with the CNS12514-1 standard of CLT made from domestic timber. The experiments were conducted with a small timber size of 45cm×45cm. There were 20 test specimens carrying out the fire resistance test for respective 30 and 60 minutes. The variation of conditions included three domestic timber species (Japanese cedar, Taiwania, China fir), two types of adhesives (Resorcinol formaldehyde resin, Vinyl urethane adhesive) and three tree species strengths (M30, M60, M90). There were six times of fire resistance tests, with 2 to 4 pieces heated up in a special iron frame in each.In conclusion, comparison of the several variation conditions and the char depths of the test specimens, yielded the following results:1. Japanese cedar is the least char depths in the three domestic timber species. 2. In this study, the higher the level, the faster the charing rate.3. The best adhesive is resorcinol formaldehyde resin.</p> <p> </p>

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