
Hazardous trace elements (HTEs), especially mercury, emitted from coal-fired power plants had caused widespread concern worldwide. Field test on mercury emissions at three different loads (100%, 85%, 68% output) using different types of coal was conducted in a 350 MW pulverized coal combustion power plant equipped with selective catalytic reduction (SCR), electrostatic precipitator and fabric filter (ESP + FF), and wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD). The Ontario Hydro Method was used for simultaneous flue gas mercury sampling for mercury at the inlet and outlet of each of the air pollutant control device (APCD). Results showed that mercury mass balance rates of the system or each APCD were in the range of 70%–130%. Mercury was mainly distributed in the flue gas, followed by ESP + FF ash, WFGD wastewater, and slag. Oxidized mercury (Hg2+) was the main form of mercury form in the flue gas emitted to the atmosphere, which accounted for 57.64%–61.87% of total mercury. SCR was favorable for elemental mercury (Hg0) removal, with oxidation efficiency of 50.13%–67.68%. ESP + FF had high particle-bound mercury (Hgp) capture efficiency, at 99.95%–99.97%. Overall removal efficiency of mercury by the existing APCDs was 58.78%–73.32%. Addition of halogens or oxidants for Hg0 conversion, and inhibitors for Hg0 re-emission, plus the installation of a wet electrostatic precipitator (WESP) was a good way to improve the overall removal efficiency of mercury in the power plants. Mercury emission factor determined in this study was from 0.92 to 1.17 g/1012J. Mercury concentration in the emitted flue gas was much less than the regulatory limit of 30 μg/m3. Contamination of mercury in desulfurization wastewater should be given enough focus.

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