
With the rapid development of China's economics, the compound talent is an important mode of personnel training in colleges and universities. Training mode in Colleges and universities has certain significance for training talents, and achieved good effect, but there are some problems, is not conducive to the cultivation of talents. This paper further explains the connotation of economic talents, cultivating model analysis, and think about the problems of economics of compound talents training. Finally, propose the development and solutions combined with the actual. Index Terms - Economics, Compound Talents, Training Mode 1. The Meaning of Compound Economics Talents Compound economics talents, refers to a broad expertise and extensive cultural awareness, with a variety of capabilities and development potential, as well as the harmonious development of personality and creative talent. Economy class talents not only have outstanding experience in economic and professional skills, but also have the relevant skills higher. Ability characteristics of the compound talent of economic: To have a comprehensive, innovative. The formation of charitable foundation and multidisciplinary knowledge blending to ability, But the simple sum is not the subject ability, but between each other and comprehensive ability based on various ability, its comprehensive function in practice. 2. Training Mode Status of Compound Economics Talents

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