Aim of the research: to study of the quality of life in adults with myasthenia, depending on the clinical form of the disease and the neuropsychological status of patients.Materials and methods. An in-depth clinical and neurological examination was carried out, incl. with the definition of myasthenia class by MGFA, neuropsychological (assessment on the scale of Beck depression and determination of anxiety level on the Spielberg-Khanin scale) examination of 96 adult patients (56 women and 40 men) with myasthenia (71 with generalized, 25 with ophthalmic form, respectively).Results. In assessing the MGQoL-15 scale, the average quality of life measures were 10.3 ± 9.4 points (ranging from 0 to 31).When assessing situational anxiety on the Spielberg-Khanin scale, a moderate level of anxiety was detected in 44 patients, a high one in 24 patients, while a low level of anxiety was observed in 28 patients.When comparing the quality of life in patients with myasthenia according to the MGQoL-15 scale and the level of situational anxiety by the Spielberg-Khanin scale, a reliable (albeit insignificant) negative effect of increased anxiety on the quality of life was established (r = -0.24, p = 0.01 ).Depressive manifestations in the form of mild (32 people) and moderate (34 people) depression were found in 66 patients, the average value on the Beck scale was 12.9 ± 3.5 points.When comparing the quality of life indicators in patients with myasthenia according to the MGQoL-15 scale and the indicators on the Beck depression scale, a reliable relationship was established between these indicators (r = 0.49, p<0.001).Conclusions. The indicators of the quality of life of myasthenia patients depend on the severity of the disease. The quality of life is affected by the level of depression and situational anxiety. The highest quality of life is observed in patients with ophthalmic form of myasthenia. The incidence of anxious and depressive disorders in patients with myasthenia increases with the experience of the disease. Disturbing and depressive manifestations are more pronounced in patients with generalized myasthenia compared with patients with an ophthalmic form
Було проаналізовано прояви депресії в залежсті виявлено у 44 пацієнтів, високий – у 24 пацієн- ності від клінічної форми міастенії та середньої тритів, в той час як низький рівень тривожності мали валості захворювання
Quality of life in 188 patients with myasthenia gravis in China / Yang Y. et al // International Journal of Neuroscience
Було проведено поглиблене клініко-неврологічне обстеження, тестування за шкалою MGQoL-15. (Myasthenia Gravis Quality of Life-15), шкалою депресії Бека, шкалою тривожності Спілберга-Ханіна 96 хворих (56 жінок та 40 чоловіків) на міастенію (71 – з генералізованою, 25 – з очною формою відповідно), що надходили до відділення неврології No 1. КЗ «Дніпропетровська обласна клінічна лікарня іме- Примітка: * – p
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