
For efficient and longer daytime solar energy use, an optical mirroring and Fresnel concentrator system has been developed. Тhe new photovoltaic automated device that is lightweight and compact has an automated system for tracking the sun and can also be mounted on the roofs of buildings and landscapes. The dependence of the incident light power on the surface of Fresnel lenses from solar elevation angles are determined. As a result of comparison of the placement angles of the device, the angle of 670 gave the best results. To increase the efficiency of the concentrating system, two mirror systems are used, which are symmetrically arranged behind each other. By this principle, a third microcontrollercontrolled electromechanical motor with a special tracking program rotates the mirror system, opening the upper mirrors relative to the lower ones and thus increasing the mirror system size so that the horizontal illuminated surface area remains the same at any time of the day. The size and number of mirrors are chosen so that, as a result of opening the system, the mirrors will always have gaps between each other in order to avoid the sail effect. On the other hand, 600 times concentration may have a big impact on temperature changes and fluctuations. The temperature changes were calculated and a cooling system has been developed.

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