
This research is aimed in general to gain a thorough understanding of the structure of the novel image and the values of human existence in the novel work of Iwan Simatupang redness of red. The specific objectives of this study, to obtain a picture of human existence from the intrinsic structure of the novel Red redness of the work of Iwan Simatupang, to obtain a picture of human existence Iwan Simatupang of social background, and to obtain a picture of human existence from the world view Iwan Simatupang. The focus of this study, matching is guided by a qualitative descriptive method. The research process begins with a literature review, data analysis, and discussion. (1) The conclusions of this study is the picture can be revealed the existence of intrinsic elements of the novel his Red Red is the theme, characterizations, plot, setting, and style. (2) confirms the main themes of human existence will have a meaning or meaningful if it is in relationship with others, the environment and God. (3) characterizations in the novel is without a leader, carrying a container, without the personal character, a character that is free. (4) The flow of the novel was not planned, the story runs without a program, sometime it will happen just about anything, relative, relative, not unexpectedly, the story is only concerned with the idea. (5) Background material is a vagrant neighborhoods, social background is the activity of the homeless, and the rest is the background of ideas. (6) Style Iwan Simatupang more to his style in expressing ideas in the character of our hero's brilliant. (7) Social Background Iwan Simatupang appears in his biography and some of the existence of life appear in the character of our leaders. (8) The world view Iwan Simatupang grow and be influenced by the philosophy of existentialism. (9) includes the description of human existence: human presence, choice, the meaning of life, responsibility, resignation, death, freedom, religious kesadarn, and guilt. Based on the results of the study authors to recommend (1) Novel Red redness of the work of Iwan Simatupang has a character different from other novels. The theme is simple but requires knowledge and intellect to understand the meaning. (2) Teaching language and literature of Indonesia (teachers and lecturers) in order to use a novel source of literary appreciation of his Red Red Iwan Simatupang works as teaching materials in order to learn more about the work that has weight and aesthetic level of difficulty. (3) the general reader should make his Red Red novel as a work of Iwan Simatupang materials useful to sharpen the critical spirit and philosophical contemplation that leads to wise attitudes. (4) This study cannot be said to be less comprehensive in-depth. Further research needs to be revealed all the secrets that are wrapped by Iwan Simatupang novel Red redness. How to Cite this Article Pubmed Style Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty, Stanny Sicilia Rawung, Christi Diana Mambo. of Existentialism Philosophy, “Merahnya Merah” Novel by Iwan Simatupang. SRP. 2021; 12(2): 711-716. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.2.96 Web Style Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty, Stanny Sicilia Rawung, Christi Diana Mambo. of Existentialism Philosophy, “Merahnya Merah” Novel by Iwan Simatupang. http://www.sysrevpharm.org/?mno=68464 [Access: March 29, 2021]. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.2.96 AMA (American Medical Association) Style Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty, Stanny Sicilia Rawung, Christi Diana Mambo. of Existentialism Philosophy, “Merahnya Merah” Novel by Iwan Simatupang. SRP. 2021; 12(2): 711-716. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.2.96 Vancouver/ICMJE Style Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty, Stanny Sicilia Rawung, Christi Diana Mambo. of Existentialism Philosophy, “Merahnya Merah” Novel by Iwan Simatupang. SRP. (2021), [cited March 29, 2021]; 12(2): 711-716. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.2.96 Harvard Style Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty, Stanny Sicilia Rawung, Christi Diana Mambo (2021) of Existentialism Philosophy, “Merahnya Merah” Novel by Iwan Simatupang. SRP, 12 (2), 711-716. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.2.96 Turabian Style Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty, Stanny Sicilia Rawung, Christi Diana Mambo. 2021. of Existentialism Philosophy, “Merahnya Merah” Novel by Iwan Reviews in Pharmacy, 12 (2), 711-716. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.2.96 Chicago Style Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty, Stanny Sicilia Rawung, Christi Diana Mambo. Study of Existentialism Philosophy, “Merahnya Merah” Novel by Iwan Simatupang. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 12 (2021), 711-716. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.2.96 MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty, Stanny Sicilia Rawung, Christi Diana Mambo. Study of Existentialism Philosophy, “Merahnya Merah” Novel by Iwan Simatupang. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 12.2 (2021), 711-716. Print. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.2.96 APA (American Psychological Association) Style Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty, Stanny Sicilia Rawung, Christi Diana Mambo (2021) of Existentialism Philosophy, “Merahnya Merah” Novel by Iwan Reviews in Pharmacy, 12 (2), 711-716. doi:10.31838/srp.2021.2.96

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