
Problem statement. The article is aimed at determining the characteristics of the specialty in the study of subjects provided by the educational program. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main problems in learning related to the process of mastering the profession and its branches. As the specialty is quite wide due to a set of problems, teachers and students do not have the necessary materials. Training of future specialists in the changing modern conditions, especially with the expansion of the non-productive sphere, poses new tasks for teachers of specialized universities. The article meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for scientific articles. Purpose. The specialty (civil security) and its integral part, labor protection, are an integral part of educational programs for the training of specialists at the bachelor's level of higher education. The purpose of the article and specialty − to identify opportunities to provide competencies needed to ensure effective management of civil safety and labor protection in the organization, creating students' sense of responsibility for personal and collective security, awareness of the importance of implementing regulatory conditions in the workplace and production. Conclusions. The study of disciplines is to provide students with knowledge, skills and abilities to effectively solve professional problems, taking into account the requirements of civil safety and labor protection, ensuring the safety, health and efficiency of workers in various fields of professional activity, including non-productive sphere, safety and labor protection. In order to fulfill the set tasks, the competence approach in the educational program of the Bachelor of Civil Security and the use of modern methodological approaches to professional training should be used in teaching.

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