By closing the case of the village chief who is involved in the corruption of village funds and the allocation of villages funds who have already been accused are subject to the threat of punishment in accordance with Articles 2 and 3 of the Act No. 31 of 1999 as amended by the Law No. 20 of 2001 on the Suppression of Criminal Prosecution of Corruption. How to Juridic Analysis of High Court Judges' Judgment Semarang No. 13/PID.SUS-TPK/2023/PT Smg against the Elements of Justice and Legal Certainty for Corruption Criminal Offenders BUMDes Berjo. The type of research used by the author is normative jurisprudence or library law research or doctrinal law research that can be interpreted as legal research by studying library and secondary materials. The method of approach used in this normative jurisprudence research is the Case Approach to Legislation. The data source used is Decision No. 13/PID.SUS-TPK/2023/PT Smg, No. 31 of 1999 on Combating Corruption Punishment, as amended and supplemented by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2001 on Amendments to the Law No. 31, 1999 of the Republik of Indonesia on Combatting Corruptions Punishments. Data Collection Techniques using Libraries and Documents Studies. Data Analysis Techniques with Qualitative Analysis.SUS-TPK/2023/PT SMG violates Article 2 paragraph (1) jo. Article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 31 of 1999 on the Elimination of Crimes of Corruption, as amended and supplemented by the Law No. 20 of 2001 on the Amendment to the Law on the Supreme Implementation of the Constitution of the Republik of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999, on the Reduction of Criminal Implications of Coruption. Article 55 (1) paragraph 1 of the Code, with the elements of the following article: "Everyone". The element "Fighting the Law". The item "Committing an act of enriching himself or another person or a corporation". Item "Can harm the finances of the state or the economy of the State". The unit "Who commits, who commits and who accompanies the act". (1) That the judge of the High Court of Semarang ruled the corruption criminal case conducted by the village chief Berjo Suyatno bin Kartorejo was in accordance with the norms in force but in the view of the author still leaves a striking disparity dropped to the accused in corruption cases committed by officials or someone who has power. The prosecution against the accused is too light and has not satisfied the sense of justice in the community in particular for the people of the village Berjo Prefecture of Ngargoyoso district of Karanganyar and does not cause the effect of seizure for the defendants who have used the people's money (the community of the Village Berjo prefecture NgarGoyoso District of Karaganyar) for the personal interests of the Accused.(2) That the amount of the replacement money, although in the appellate judgment of the High Court of Semarang is greater than the judgement of the State Court, the penalty of imprisonment against the defendant as a substitute for the unpaid substitute money, is still too light and tends to be preferred to refrain from paying or refusing to refund the size of the compensation money to be paid by the accused and carrying out the criminal sentence in prison in exchange for the unepaid replacement payment money. Thus, it has been backward with the Government Program in an effort to maximize the reimbursement of the State/Region losses as a result of the corruption crime that has occurred.
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