
A morphological-anatomical study of Australian populations of Metamastophora flabellata (Sonder) Setchell, the type species of Metamastophora (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta), has revealed that the primarily erect or ascending non-geniculate thallus possesses a dorsi-ventral organization of tissues. All conceptacles are uniporate and arise dorsally. Two distinct vegetative meristems occur: an apical primary meristem from which hypothallial cells are produced basipetally and a sub-epithallial secondary meristem which generates perithallial cells basipetally and secondary epithallial cells acropetally. Primary epithallial cells arise from divisions of subapical hypothallial cells. In younger parts, tissues are produced only dorsal to the hypothallium; in veins and stipes, tissue production occurs both dorsal and ventral to the hypothallium. Mature tetrasporic conceptacles contain peripheral tetrasporangia with zonately divided contents and a central sterile columella. Gametic conceptacles produce fertile tissue across the entire conceptacle chamber floor. After fertilization, the zygotic nucleus or a derivative is transferred (presumably) to an auxiliary cell through cells of the carpogonial branch; no tubular transfer siphon develops. Mature fusion cells are composed of the amalgamated supporting cells of carpogonial branches and are initiated from a single supporting cell which functions as an auxiliary cell. Unbranched 3–4 celled gonimoblast filaments arise from the fusion cell, do not become connected to other cells, and produce terminal carposporangia. Results from this study have led to a redefinition of hypothallium and perithallium in relation to meristems rather than substrate. In addition, carposporophyte ontogeny in the Corallinaceae is considered in terms of the presumed mode of transfer of the zygotic nucleus to the fusion cell, the extent of fusion cell development, and gonimoblast filament production in relation to auxiliary cells and fusion cells.

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