
In the period 2015-2017 a Health Impact Assessment, HIA, was carried out in the Municipalities of Viggiano and Grumento Nova, in Val D'Agri, where since 2001 the oil first treatment plant, COVA, has been active. HIA envisaged the constant involvement of local communities and a multidisciplinary scientific group. Seven scientific articles have been published on: review of evidence on non-methane hydrocarbons; diffusion model of air pollutants emitted by the COVA; characteristics of the HIA process; investigation on volatile organic compounds, odorous substances and citizens' reports; sample study on respiratory function using spirometry and questionnaire; residential cohort study on mortality and hospitalization; analysis of media outputs in a critical period. The results showed environmental and health impacts related to the population's area of residence. In addition to environmental-health surveillance activities, the preventive HIA approach emerges as a preferential way for reducing communities' exposure to recognized pollutants and sustaining environmental justice options.

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