
Congestive heart failure is the incapacity of heart to pump adequate blood in fulfilling the need for oxygen ad nutrients which causes cardiac output to decrease which brings about pain in chest. Pain management can be done by using pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. Deep breath relaxation therapy is done in the non-pharmacological nursing pain management. It will increase the supply of oxygen to tissues so that pain will decrease. The research used descriptive method with case study design which was aimed to find out the description of the need for oxygen in congestive heart failure patients. The nursing approach consisted of nursing analysis, diagnosis, intervention, implementation, and evaluation in 2 clients with the same case. The result showed that in case I there was no more pain in chest in the third day of nursing, while in case II complaint about short of breath could be handled in the third day of nursing since the client felt relaxed. The conclusion was that the need for oxygen could be handled by using deep breath relaxation technique. It is recommended that the clients and their families comply with doing deep breath relaxation technique.


  • Congestive Heart Failure adalah ketidakmampuan jantung untuk memompakan darah yang adekuat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan jaringan akan oksigen dan nutrisi (Kasron,2016).Congestive Heart

  • Congestive heart failure is the incapacity of heart to pump adequate blood in fulfilling the need

  • which brings about pain in chest

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14. Tanggal dan jam pengkajia n

12 Nopem ber 2016 Pukul 22.00 wib Berdasarkan tabel diatas didapatkan 2 responden mempunyai diagnosa medis yang sama yaitu Congestive Heart Failure. Dimana data yang digunakan dalam menegakkan diagnosa keperawatan lebih difokuskan pada pemeriksaan dan pola pemenuuhan kebutuhan oksigenasi dengan teknik relaksasi nafas dalam kedua responden, dan didapat hasil pada kasus I dan kasus II mempunyai masalah keperawatan yang sama yakni penurunan curah jantung berhubungan dengan dengan kontraktilitas ventrikel kiri menyebabkan peregangan otot jantung sehingga terjadi penurunan curah jantung yang menyebabkan adanya nyeri dada. Rumah Sakit TK II Putri Hijau Medan yaitu evaluasi episode nyeri dada Adapun perbedaan antara kedua pasien meliputi umur yang berbeda, tanda – tanda vital yang berbeda, pemeriksaan laboratorium yang berbeda, serta pola pemenuhan nutrisi yang juga berbeda, dan terapi yang diberikan kepada pasien juga berbeda

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