
The results of the study in 2016 - 2018 are presented varieties of common cultivated soybeans on chernozem soils in the southern forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia. The aim of the research was to study new highly productive early ripening varieties of soybeans suitable for cultivation in the forest-steppe conditions of Western Siberia. The object of research is plants of common cultivated soybean varieties (Glycine hispida Maxim (L.) Merril). The study used field and statistical methods. Field studies were carried out in a selection experiment based on a four-field grain-fallow crop rotation, the predecessor was winter triticale after pure fallow. The experimental scheme included four early maturing soybean varieties zoned in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Western Siberia. In terms of productivity, the Cheremshanka and Eldorado varieties stood out on average over three years (3.83; 3.60 t/ha, respectively). The use of mathematical statistical methods showed that in our experiment the productivity of plants had a strong positive relationship with the number of productive nodes (r = 0.91), beans (r = 0.87) and seeds per plant (r = 0.89); with a mass of 1000 seeds, the relationship is also positive, but of medium strength (r = 0.60). Studies have shown that weather conditions influenced the weight of seeds per soybean plant. By the number of seeds per plant, the Eldorado variety stood out - 42.2 pcs. The greatest mass of 1000 seeds was in the Sibiryachka variety and amounted to 183.5 g, only the Cheremshanka variety was closer - 179.6 g. The most productive plants were in the Cheremshanka and Eldorado varieties - 6.6 and 6.5 g/plant, respectively. It is 8% better than the standard variety.

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