
The appeal to the theory of the internal addressee in a poetic text is an actual direction in modern literary studies. It will help to solve both the specific task and contribute to the elucidation of the phenomena of the dialogical nature of the poetic text, as well as to the understanding of poetry as a whole. A poetic text has specific qualities, among which addressability is important. In the structure of a poetic text, it is a multi dimensional category that participates in the formati on of lyri cal meani ng, the i mage of the addressee and the i ntenti ons of the addressee. This article d scusses the poetic addressee as a consequence and implementati on of the category of addressability. The addressee refers to the main receptive paradigm involved in the structural modeling of the text and the expression of the author's concept. The concept of “addressee”, being a system, i s a phenomenon of multiple ambivalence: it si multaneously implies form and content, design and implementation, structure and semantics.

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